18 June 2020, 1-4pm BST

Videos of each short presentation from this event are available to watch online, including several additional presentations as an ‘event fringe.’

Join LRG’s first global webinar and AGM, exploring rapid environmental change through a lens of landscape justice; bringing together imagination, research and practice to look at new ways of seeing, living and working.

By examining power structures, case studies and social imaginaries, we will explore what landscape justice might look like and feel like in everyday life, how it might affect livelihoods, and how we respond to our rapidly changing places.

The events will run in Zoom and everybody who registers will receive information about how to join.

We’ll hear a series of short, informal presentations, and Q&A:

Integrating Cultural Landscapes with Fishing Coastal Commons
Chennai, India
Dhanya Rajagopal, Design Trust for Public Space

A past of our making. Creating a landscape biography of a rural upland parish in Ireland
County Waterford, Ireland
Emily Shakespeare, Waterford Institute of Technology

Working out landscape and time
Highlands, Scotland
Jo Vergunst, University of Aberdeen

Urban green landscapes, justice, and subtropical Asian cities
Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam
Leslie Mabon, Scottish Association for Marine Science

Diverse and Alive: Landscape Care-work with the Gowanus Canal
Brooklyn, NY
Maggie Hansen, University of Texas

Reading between the lines: Landscapes in a state of limbo
Mina Kouvara, Boulouki


1pm-2pm BST: The Agenda is below. The meeting is open to all, but LRG members are particularly encouraged to join.

2.30pm-4pm BST:  The event is open to all.

Tickets are free; if you would like to support the work of the Landscape Research Group, including donating, joining as a member, or getting involved with our work.

Opportunity to join LRG’s team of trustees

We are also looking for two new trustees, who will be elected at the AGM. Do consider joining our team from around the world, Nominations close at midnight GMT on 14th June.

AGM Notice & Agenda

All LRG members are cordially invited to attend the 2020 Annual General Meeting of the Landscape Research Group Ltd. It will be held via videoconference at 13:00 BST (GMT+1) on Thursday 18th June 2020.

All documents referred to below are accessible in the Members’ Area of this website; please login to view.


  1. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Landscape Research Group Ltd held on 17th May 2019
  2. To consider and approve the Trustees’ Report for the year ending 31st December 2019
  3. To consider and approve the External Examiner’s Report and the Annual Accounts and Balance Sheet for the year ending 31st December 2019
  4. To consider and vote on the resolutions for the conversion of LRG Ltd to a Charitable Incorporated Association (CIO) (voting information will be sent to Members shortly before the AGM)
  5. Election of Directors (voting information will be sent to Members shortly before the AGM)
  6. To re-appoint Andrew M Wells Accountants as the Auditors and to authorise the charity Trustees to set the level of the auditors’ fees.
  7. Any Other Business (see below)

Please note:

Articles of Association paragraph 21 states: except with the permission of the Chairman of the General Meeting no member shall be entitled to bring any other business before the General Meeting unless he has given notice in writing to the Secretary not less than ten days before the Meeting.

By Order of the Board of Charity Trustees

Company Secretary:   David Saunders, 41 Grange Road, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 1TS

Registered Office:  99 Western Road, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 1RS

Landscape Research Group is registered as a Charity 287160 and Company Registration 01714386

Acknowledgements: Event title adapted from the writings of Tiffany Kaewen Dang. Image of caves in China © Tom Banks.