Our publication Landscape Research Extra (LRE), edited by Bud Young since its inception in 1988, has published its final two issues this week.
Issues 89 and 90, together forming the final issue, are now online to read below. A cup of tea and a comfortable chair are recommended as the perfect accompaniment.
LRE has provided an important complementary space to our academic journal Landscape Research, and includes more informal commentary, ‘thought pieces’, poems, and descriptive writing both factual and fanciful, from many landscape disciplines.
It provided an outlet for landscape practitioners and researchers to ponder and share, all the while overseen by editor Bud Young.
On behalf of LRG, our trustees and all our members: thank you Bud for your commitment, service and creativity! It’s clear from the pages of LRE and from comments from members that LRE has been valued and enjoyed.
Chris Dalglish, Chair of LRG
Read Chair of LRG Chris Dalglish’s full letter, also printed in LRE 90 below.
LRE’s 32 year legacy of sharing thought pieces and landscape practice will however continue in a new form.
Later this year, we will launch Landscape Exchange, an open access online resource and publication for members to share multimedia content of their own work, case studies, etc; keeping the ethos of LRE very much alive, and retaining a space that works hand-in-hand with our journal Landscape Research.
In the meantime, very happy reading!
Browse all issues of LRE online here – and don’t forget the accompanying book, A Bedside Landscape Reader, a selected anthology of writings from 30 years of LRE, published in 2019. It is available to buy here, and can ship globally.