Funded Projects
Our international landscape research fund supports small, high-quality projects to help develop just and sustainable relationships with the places in which we live. Researchers and practitioners can apply for funding for projects that align strongly with our current strategic priorities.

Community Soil Care Clinic (Pilot): Learning Circles (2023)

The Posthuman Walking Project: The multiplicity of walking with pain in diverse landscapes of care (2023)

London’s Common Gardens (2023)

Towards Transitions: (Re)Making the Planning Engagement Table with/by First Nations Peoples in Tkaronto (2022)

Caribbean Landscapes and Agencies beyond the Human in British Print Culture surrounding the Haitian Revolution (2022)

Decolonizing Estonian Maritime Cultural Landscapes (2022)

Hedge School 2021 (2022)

A virtue-based approach to contested landscape management (2021)

Supporting urban poor’s women leadership to respond to lake and wetland’s in-filling practices and urban dispossession in Phnom Penh, Cambodia (2020)
What is wilderness? Landscapes of change (2020)

Landscape stories: an investigation of organisations’ and diverse audiences’ narratives of the countryside to advance justice (2020)

Forest fire and indigenous landscape identity (2020)

Evaluating extended urban infrastructure landscapes under China’s Belt and Road Initiative (2020)

Rewilding the popular imagination through visual narratives (2021)

Out of focus: cinematic readings of a shaken landscape (2021)

Landscape relationships between outdoor recreation and public history in the US South (2021)

The right to be vulnerable: seawalls, resistances and protest movements in post-tsunami Japan (2021)

Carbon afterlives: coal landscapes, addiction and the end of mining in Fife (2021)

What is it that we like about landscapes and why? (2021)

Connecting and Severing: a Deconstruction of the Language of HS2 Ltd (2019)

Boron Landscapes of Turkey (2019)

Landscape Education, Heritage and Justice (2019)

Deconstructing the Archive: A philological analysis of the verbal and visual constructs of historical landscape narratives (2019)