Two new posts created as LRG opens a new chapter
The Landscape Research Group is opening a new chapter in its history. We are looking for two dynamic and experienced people to help place the charity on a new footing and to enable it to deliver more through its charitable activities and better serve its members and beneficiaries.
LRG celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2017 and continues to go from strength to strength. The charity is in a relatively strong financial position, we have expanded our activities and we are ambitious to achieve more in relation to our charitable aims. Our priorities include sustaining and enhancing our work to promote and disseminate landscape research; developing our membership, networks and partnerships; increasing and diversifying income; and enhancing LRG’s profile and influence.
In order to help deliver on these priorities, we are appointing two new part-time staff: a Chief Executive and a Communications & Membership Manager. These open-ended posts are new positions.
The Chief Executive will lead our small team of staff, oversee the charity’s operations and collaborate with the Board in developing our vision, strategy and various charitable activities. The Communications & Membership Manager will collaborate with the Board and with other staff to develop a larger, more diverse and more active membership and to enhance our communications. Both post-holders will also be involved in building relationships between the charity and its various networks, partners, stakeholders and the wider public.
The deadline for applications is 5 p.m. (UK time) on 10 August 2018. We expect to hold interviews for the positions in early September. We wish the successful candidates to take up post in October 2018.
For further details see the job adverts and job descriptions/person specification below:
Chief Executive Job Advert
Chief Executive Job Description & Person Specification
Communications & Membership Manager Job Advert
Communications & Membership Manager Job Description & Person Specification