The Landscape Research Group (LRG) is pleased to announce our 2020 Research Fund. The 50th Anniversary Research Fund was created in 2017, and it is our plan to continue with an annual Research Fund to support a small number of high-quality projects which align strongly with LRG’s current strategic priorities, as outlined in our Research Strategy and specified below.

We particularly welcome applications from early career researchers and practitioners in any field of landscape, and projects with a strong element of collaboration and exchange.

Download full details, eligibility criteria and application form here (Word document). 

Deadline for applications is 8th March 2020.

View previous funded projects here.

2020 Research Fund Theme:
Critical and Creative Approaches to Landscape Justice and Rapid Environmental Change

This year’s call links the fourth topic of the LRG Research Strategy, critical and creative landscape thinking, with the second one – rapid environmental change, under the general context of landscape justice.

In the LRG’s Research Strategy landscape justice is concerned with issues of access and exclusion, ownership and dispossession, connection and disconnection within and across communities, societies, generations and species. It considers place but also transcends location to think more abstractly about how human and non-human stakeholders engage with notions of equity and justice. It concerns the complexities of decision-making power and disenfranchisement, and fairness or lack thereof in the distribution of the potential socio-cultural, economic or ecological benefits deriving from landscape.

Landscape research in this area considers who has voice, power and responsibility, and how by extension justice, democracy and citizenship are exercised.

Due to the popularity and ongoing relevance of the landscape justice theme, which was the focus for the 50th Anniversary Research Fund, we are continuing to fund projects under this theme for 2020. We would particularly welcome projects focusing on the interplay of landscape justice and rapid environmental change. This was a key theme arising from the Landscape Symposium held in December 2019, where reflections on how the language we use in speaking, framing and studying landscape impacts on the nature of landscape research, the subject matter, the participants and the outcomes.

The Research Fund will support applications for:


Deadline for submission of applications:
8th March 2020

Applicants notified of funding decision by:
30th March 2020

Earliest possible project start date:
8th April 2020

Projects to be completed by*:
31st March 2021

* The project completion date refers to the main project activities. It is accepted that some activities, particularly relating to project outputs, may continue on after this date (e.g. where a paper has been submitted to a journal for publication but has yet to go through peer review and be published), although it is expected that continuation of activities beyond 31st December 2020 will be avoided wherever possible. Applicants should specify a project timetable in Section 2 of the Application Form and, where an activity is anticipated to continue beyond 31st March 2021, this should be explained and justified.

Download full details, eligibility criteria and application form here (Word document).