10th October – 15th October
Landscape Research Group is excited to announce our first Critical Field Study trip to the Isle of Arran, from 10th to 15th October 2022.
This trip is designed for LRG members to actively explore current issues on the ground, relating to landscape research, exchange knowledge and build networks of practice.
The five-day itinerary will consist of visits to a range of landscapes and sites on the island, which will approach framing of discussions from various disciplinary perspectives (such as Inter-, Trans-, Un-, A- disciplinary) and participatory ways with a range of organisations and initiatives across the Isle of Arran. We anticipate that participants will actively contribute to discussion and exploration of issues through their research motivations and specialisms.
Accommodation and board will be provided at Lochranza Field Centre and travel around the Isle of Arran will be through local services. While there will be a fee for participation, LRG will also be offering a limited number of bursaries to Early Career Researchers and Early Career Practitioners to reduce the cost of participation.
Following the COP26 summit, which was held in nearby Glasgow in 2021, we will also explore the overarching question of, can landscape researchers (both academics and practitioners) respond to the climate crisis through contributing to the development of Regenerative Tourism as part of their practices? As part of which we will also consider how at this time should we change the way we travel for field study, frame research priorities and deliver on a variety of policy agendas through our practices?
There are very limited spaces available, so to apply for a place, fill in the attached application form before 3rd July. Do contact Emily Shakespeare if you have any queries. LRG members will have priority in the allocation of places.
Following participation in the LRG Critical Field Study we hope you would be interested in an opportunity to publish responses and reflections in our Landscape Exchange website.
A draft itinerary showing the themes for each day is provided below: