Get Involved
Join a global network of researchers, practitioners and policy makers, encouraging an interdisciplinary and diverse approach to landscape challenges.

Join as a Member
Our international member network is growing, and possibilities for exchange are growing too. As well as various member benefits, your contribution supports our work in advancing interdisciplinary landscape research across boundaries.

Apply for a research grant
The call and theme for our annual research fund is announced around Spring each year in line with our Research Strategy. Sign up to our newsletter to be notified and more details of how to apply and previously funded projects can be found here.

Attend an event
We run a number of events every year: debates, seminars, and field trips, as well as showcase events to share our funded projects. Sign up to our newsletter to be notified of our next events.
Events & partnerships
Host an event
If you are keen to raise the profile of interdisciplinary landscape research and practice in your region, and you are willing to help organise or host an event around a particular topic which aligns to our Research Strategy, we would be more than happy to try and make this happen. Please contact us with your ideas.
Sponsor an event
If you wish to support an event or series of events aligned to our Research Strategy, and can raise or donate funds, please contact us to discuss. We welcome new sponsors and partners, and would be happy to discuss partnership.
Partner with us
We welcome and actively encourage interest from all spheres – academia, practice, NGOs, public bodies, creative – and of course all locations. Please contact us to discuss your ideas.
Support our mission
Our community is growing, and there are many small, one-off tasks that need to be done! If you would like to spend a few hours a year helping us develop, we would be extremely happy to hear from you. Please contact us to express your interest, or sign up for news alerts for specific volunteer tasks. We are particularly interested in hearing from people who are willing and able to translate between English, French, German, Spanish or Arabic.
Join our Board of Trustees
We welcome expressions of interest for new Trustees at any time. If you’re interested in the work of LRG and helping develop its activities and strategic direction, please do contact our Chair in the first instance. Elections for new Trustees are held annually. Sign up to our newsletter to receive news of Trustee vacancies.
Instead of, or in addition to, joining as a member, you may wish to make a one-off or standing donation to support our ongoing work. If so, please contact us.