6 May 2024

The Landscape Research Group (LRG) is pleased to announce our 2024 Research Fund is open for applications.
The 50th Anniversary Research Fund was created in 2017, and continues to annually support a small number of high-quality projects which align strongly with LRG’s current strategic priorities, as outlined in our Research Strategy and specified below.
We particularly welcome applications from early career researchers and practitioners in any field of landscape, and projects with a strong element of collaboration and exchange.
Applicants must be a member of LRG. You can join here.
Download full details, eligibility criteria and application form here (Word document).
Deadline for applications is 24 June 2024.
2024 Research Fund Theme: Climate Communities: People and Landscape in an Age of Change
This year’s theme focuses on the interface between climate and landscape transformation, with a specific emphasis on community action. While the urgency of the climate emergency calls for immediate action, the complexity of sustainability transitions is evident, especially in the face of climate vulnerabilities and injustices. In response to this urgency, there is a growing demand for multi-level climate actions, with a strong emphasis on applied research and experimental approaches. We seek proposals that explore innovative governance structures facilitating just transitions, examine how place meanings shape community responses to climate change across different scales, and expand the discourse on social and environmental justice beyond the long-standing anthropocentric bias of justice framings to embrace multispecies perspectives.
We are eager to support intersectional, interdisciplinary and community-grounded responses and are particularly interested in applications that explore the following areas:
- Local responses to planetary crises
- Climate and landscape transformations
- Social justice, resilience and transformation
- Coastal and island climate vulnerabilities

The research fund will support applications within these possible areas for exploration:
- research into novel approaches prioritising transdisciplinary co-design and co-production in climate action research especially at the local level
- research into means of implementation of place-based transformative solutions aligned with climate goals in the various contexts
- research into ways of translating abstract theories of justice into practical applicability in the particularities of everyday community experiences, practices and contexts
- research into new ways of understanding coexistence in the Anthropocene, including inter and intra coexistence of living organisms
- projects and activities that work on innovative varied methods to understand the needs and capabilities of ‘voiceless’ entities, including nonhuman nature, and incorporating them into local climate action
- projects and activities that create opportunities and mechanisms for the generation, dissemination and/or use of knowledge, understanding or insight into environmental and biodiversity justice scholarship
- projects and activities that explore local transition initiatives and experiments that can play a role in the testing, advancing, and institutionalising sustainable landscape solutions and new novelties that support radical transformative ideas
Deadline for submission of applications:
24 June 2024
Applicants notified of funding decision by:
8 July 2024
Earliest possible project start date:
8 July 2024
Projects to be completed by*:
30 June 2025
* The project completion date refers to the main project activities. It is accepted that some activities, particularly relating to project outputs, may continue on after this date (e.g. where a paper has been submitted to a journal for publication but has yet to go through peer review and be published), although it is expected that continuation of activities beyond 31 December 2024 will be avoided wherever possible. Applicants should specify a project timetable in Section 2 of the Application Form and, where an activity is anticipated to continue beyond 31 March 2025, this should be explained and justified.
Download full details, eligibility criteria and application form here (Word document).
Useful Links
- Summaries of previously LRG-funded projects can be found here.
- A workshop was hosted by Prof Karen Jones and Dr Ian Mell which looked at the characteristics of a successful funding application in February 2022. You can find the recorded session here.
- Some of our previous fund recipients outlined their projects in a recorded Showcase.