14th February 2023

The Landscape Research Group (LRG) is pleased to announce our 2023 Research Fund.
The 50th Anniversary Research Fund was created in 2017, and continues to annually support a small number of high-quality projects which align strongly with LRG’s current strategic priorities, as outlined in our Research Strategy and specified below.
We particularly welcome applications from early career researchers and practitioners in any field of landscape, and projects with a strong element of collaboration and exchange.
Applicants must be a member of LRG. You can join here.
Download full details, eligibility criteria and application form here (Word document).
Deadline for applications is 30th March 2023.
2023 Research Fund Theme: Landscape and Care
This year’s call focuses on Landscape and Care. It relates to recent interventions in Landscape Research that foreground care as a social, cultural, and ecological practice which is fundamental to our understandings of landscape. It also closely relates to the intentions of LRG to actively promote an ’ethos of care’ in the way we think, write and practice landscape research.
What is a landscape of care? This terminology has become part of the methodological lexicon of health geography in recent years and LRG is interested in broadening this field of vision to see the multi-textured, complex and challenging ways in which questions of place and space weigh into urgent matters of ecological and cultural wellbeing.
We are interested both in how care might (must) be a critical aspect of landscape research in practice and also in how issues around place-making and care intersect with those of equity and biopolitics, ethics and social responsibility, and building positive environmental futures.
Possible areas for exploration include urban regeneration and architectures of care; inequity, marginality and the boundaries of care; trauma, memory and recovery; movement, motion and bodies; labour, work and power; human-animal networks; formal and informal spaces of care; feminist geographies of care; therapeutic space, rewilding and the vegetal.

The Research Fund will support applications for:
- research into the circumstances in which injustice is generated and sustained in landscape contexts in relation to the call topic;
- research into injustices that are historically-embedded in the landscape, that are emerging now or that might emerge in the future;
- research into the impacts of the language used in communicating ideas and issues around landscape with different audiences. “Language” is here understood in the broad sense to include visual/pictorial/image and tonal based forms of language, as well as verbal and written language;
- research that addresses the interplay as revealed through language used between organisations, audiences and outcomes in developing policies and practices that address landscape injustice;
- projects and activities that make use of research in the development and implementation of policies, practices and/or actions that address landscape injustice;
- projects and activities that create opportunities and mechanisms for the generation, dissemination and/or use of knowledge, understanding or insight into landscape justice.
Deadline for submission of applications:
30th March 2023
Applicants notified of funding decision by:
14th April 2023
Earliest possible project start date:
14th April 2023
Projects to be completed by*:
31st March 2024
* The project completion date refers to the main project activities. It is accepted that some activities, particularly relating to project outputs, may continue on after this date (e.g. where a paper has been submitted to a journal for publication but has yet to go through peer review and be published), although it is expected that continuation of activities beyond 31st December 2023 will be avoided wherever possible. Applicants should specify a project timetable in Section 2 of the Application Form and, where an activity is anticipated to continue beyond 31st March 2024, this should be explained and justified.
Download full details, eligibility criteria and application form here (Word document).
Useful Links
- Summaries of previously LRG-funded projects can be found here.
- A workshop was hosted by Prof Karen Jones and Dr Ian Mell which looked at the characteristics of a successful funding application in February 2022. You can find the recorded session here.
- Some of our previous fund recipients outlined their projects in a recorded Showcase.