Our Journal
Landscape Research, our academic journal, is a fully peer-reviewed and Impact-Factor listed journal containing articles, critical review essays, photo essays and book review forums.
Published by Taylor & Francis, the journal is well-respected and solidly established with a consistently growing readership, impact factor and citation rates. Our experienced Editorial team, led by Professor Hannes Palang, has a global coverage and outlook with representatives across three continents and a range of expertise.
LRG members receive online and paper copies of the journal and access to the entire archive of articles from 1977. View the current issue online.
Ethos of Care
The Editors strive towards an encouraging and constructive relationship with its authors and believes in an “ethos of care”1 through the peer review process, which is already demonstrated by its experienced panel of reviewers. It is also committed to encouraging and enabling inclusive academic debate and has produced an Inclusive Practices: Language and Writing Guideline. This document has been developed to help authors avoid using discriminatory language and/or marginalising practices when preparing their manuscripts.
Landscape Research Journal is unique in academic publishing to have an Academic Support Editor, Dr Paul Brindley, whose role is to provide an additional layer of support for new authors of innovative, original submissions who require assistance in navigating the peer review process. We welcome good quality manuscripts relating to all aspects of landscape. The guidelines on the submission process can be found here.
- Impact factor for 2023: 1.7
- CiteScore for 2023: 3.7
- 204,000 article downloads in 2023
- 9 days average from submission to first decision
- Eight issues a year, including special guest-edited themed issues
1 Vera Vicenzotti & Emma Waterton (2021) Practicing care in a global pandemic, Landscape Research, 46:1, 1-7, DOI: 10.1080/01426397.2021.1873485
Editorial Team
Key Contacts

Professor Hannes Palang
Centre for Landscape and Culture, School of Humanities, Tallinn University, Estonia

Professor Emma Waterton
Consulting Editor
Heritage for Global Challenges Research Centre, University of York, UK

Dr Andrew Butler
Associate Editor
Department of Urban and Rural Development, SLU Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden

Professor Veerle Van Eetvelde
Associate Editor
Department of Geography, Research Unit Landscape & People, Ghent University, Belgium

Dr. Merham Keleg
Associate Editor
Lecturer in Urban Design and Planning Department. Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt

Dr Gillian Lawson
Associate Editor
School of Landscape Architecture, Lincoln University, New Zealand

Dr Laura Menatti
Book Reviews Editor
KLI, Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research
Klosterneuburg, Austria

Dr Vanicka Arora
Pre-Editor Assistant
Heritage and Politics, University of Stirling, UK

Dr Hayley Saul
Pre-Editor Assistant
Heritage for Global Challenges Research Centre, University of York, UK

Zannah Matson
Social Media Editor
Program in Environmental Design, University of Colorado Boulder, USA

Dr Paul Brindley
Academic Support Editor
Department of Landscape Architecture, University of Sheffield, UK

Editorial management
Canterbury, UK