We invite members who would like to be more involved with LRG to join our Board of Directors. Our Board is a diverse and personable group of people who meet twice yearly to help develop the strategic direction of LRG. We are looking for ideally three new Board members, to take an active role in the areas detailed below, as we become an increasingly international-focused organisation. 

The completed nomination form must be received by the Chair of the LRG Board no earlier than 27 April 2019 and no later than midnight GMT on the 13 May 2019.    

A message from Chris Dalglish, our current Chair of the Board:

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Landscape Research Group (LRG) will take place on 17May 2019, when the Board for 2019-2020 will be elected. Current members of the board who are prepared to continue are required under our Articles of Association to put themselves forward each year for re-election, but in addition any member of LRG may nominate themselves as candidates, and I hereby warmly invite such nominations. We aim to have a Board of 15 members, with ideally 3 new members joining the Board in any year.

The Board will soon seek to appoint a new Chair and a new Treasurer, and I encourage candidates with the skills, experience and interest to take on those roles to put themselves forward.

We also welcome candidates with an interest in being actively involved in developing and supporting LRG’s main areas of activity, which include publications, events, our research grants scheme, support for landscape research networks and digital media. Voting in the election is either in person at the AGM or by proxy vote submitted in advance to the Company Secretary; further information on voting will be sent in advance of the AGM.

Read the full letter and further details (PDF).

Download the Self-Nomination form (Word document).

The completed nomination form must be received by the Chair of the LRG Board no earlier than 27 April 2019 and no later than midnight GMT on the 13 May 2019.