LRG runs a monthly landscape research community group every second Thursday of the month

Research at the best of times can be a bit of a lonely place, which was only exacerbated by the Covid restrictions. On top of that, landscape studies with its interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary approach, can at times be challenging in terms of a community, as our methodology doesn’t tend to fit within one specific traditional academic department.
To help with this isolation we have created two landscape research community groups who get together over coffee every month. These are friendly, informal groups, held over Zoom, where we discuss any and all aspects of landscape studies and approaches.
The discussions are usually led by one of the group who want to present or talk through an element of their research, explore a way of approaching an issue they are dealing with or a general theme within landscape research, such as methodology or data collection.
One group caters for those in the European time zones and the other for the Americas time zones. You don’t have to be in these time zones to join these groups, they’re open to all, many people cross between the two, and the groups tend to have a different flavour or outlook towards landscape research.
The European session is held every second Thursday of the month, and is open to any post-graduate landscape researcher or landscape practitioner, no matter what area of landscape you’re involved with.
It is an ideal way of finding research connections that may give you those longed-for Eureka moments. Talking through your research, its outline and its challenges often helps bring clarity of thought, enabling you to better focus and write about it. It’s also a great opportunity to connect and find support with like-minded people within the landscape world.
Fill out this quick form if you’d like to included on the mailing list for the group and you can also email us if you have any other questions. Click here to find out about our other group in the Americas time zones.